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As expert accountants in Sydney, Australia, we understand the importance of maximising your tax refund.

One often overlooked area for potential deductions is car expenses. If you use your car for work-related purposes, you may be eligible to claim certain expenses on your tax return.

In this blog post, we will guide you through the process of claiming car tax deductions and provide tips to help you maximise your tax refund.

Understand Eligibility:

To claim car tax deductions, you must meet certain criteria set by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO).

Generally, you can claim car expenses if your car usage is directly related to your employment and not reimbursed by your employer.

Some common occupations that may be eligible include sales representatives, real estate agents, and tradespeople who transport tools and equipment.

Types of Car Expenses You Can Claim:

There are two main methods to calculate car tax deductions: the cents per kilometer method and the logbook method.

a. Cents per Kilometer Method:

Under this method, you can claim a fixed rate for each business kilometer traveled.

As of July 2023, the ATO allows you to claim up to 72 cents per kilometer for the first 10,000 business kilometers and 47 cents per kilometer thereafter.

b. Logbook Method:

The logbook method requires more detailed record-keeping but can yield higher deductions.

To utilise this method, you must maintain a logbook for a continuous 12-week period, recording all your car trips, including the purpose and distance traveled.

This logbook will be valid for five years, provided your circumstances remain consistent.

Recording and Calculating Car Expenses:

To claim deductions, you need to keep accurate records of your car expenses.

This includes fuel costs, registration and insurance fees, repairs and maintenance, and depreciation.

Keep all receipts and invoices as evidence of your expenses. If your car is financed, you can claim the interest paid on your car loan as well.

Claiming Car Depreciation:

Depreciation is an important aspect of car tax deductions.

Generally, you can claim depreciation on the cost of the vehicle up to the car limit set by the ATO. For vehicles purchased after July 1, 2022, the car limit is $59,136.

However, certain luxury cars and vehicles designed to carry more than one tonne or more than nine passengers have lower depreciation limits.

Seek Professional Advice:

Navigating tax deductions can be complex, and it’s always a good idea to seek advice from a qualified accountant or tax agent.

They can provide personalised guidance based on your specific circumstances and help you maximise your tax refund while ensuring compliance with the ATO’s rules.


By understanding the rules and regulations surrounding car tax deductions in Australia, you can claim the right way and maximise your tax refund.

Whether you choose the cents per kilometer method or the logbook method, keeping detailed records and seeking professional advice can help ensure you claim all eligible expenses.

Remember, tax laws can change, so it’s important to stay up to date with the latest regulations or consult a professional for the most accurate advice.

Don’t miss out on potential deductions—make the most of your car-related expenses and enjoy a higher tax refund this year!

Disclaimer: The information provided in this blog post is for general informational purposes only and should not be considered as professional advice. Consult a qualified accountant or tax agent for personalised guidance.